Our Story:

We began PixaMed’s journey by applying our patented skin imaging technology to wound care management.  Through which, we turned the ubiquitous mobile devices to a point-of-care medical imaging and documentation platform.

Since, we have extended the product line to a full blown Wound Care Speciality Electronic Medical Record (EMR) platform with automatic documentation and CPT code generation.

Our Mission:

Bring imaging technology and automation (AI) to wound care management for higher productivity and accuracy so, our physicians can spend their time doing what they love to do, attending patients.



Why Wound Care?

In United States alone, we spend $30B-$100B yearly on Wound care on post-acute and chronic wound care management, covering more than 3% of our population. That is without having a wound care specialty discipline in our medical education system.



The Future:

PixaMed strives and is aligned to bring Preventative Care, Value Based Care, and Virtual Care to the skin care management disciplines.  Advanced imaging and data analytics are the key pillars that will enable our leadership and business growth.